Why Do Thrift Stores Make You Itchy?

Having bought some clothes from thrift stores a few times. I often wondered how clean the clothes are, and if you can get rashes or lice from them. So, I did some research into whether you can catch anything from thrift store clothes and thought I’d write this article about what I learned.
So, why do thrift stores make you itchy? You may have an allergic reaction to the clothes known as allergic contact dermatitis. The other reasons could be that you got lice, scabies, or bed bugs from the clothing. These are not common issues that arise from thrift store clothes, but they each need a unique solution to get rid of.
There could be a range of factors that could be making you itchy. So, below I will explain how to determine what is causing the itch, and how to remedy the common culprits.
Can you get lice from thrift stores?
Lice can be caught from many different sources. The most common are fleas from a pet. If you sit on a chair with lice for only a few minutes you can catch lice. Therefore, you can get lice from thrift stores. In my general experience of going to thrift stores I have never caught lice.
The best way to get rid of lice is to place the garment in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a few days. This will kill any lice. Other people have recommended washing the clothes at the highest heat setting. This can work but many clothes shrink if you wash them in hot water, according to RD.com.
It is important to do this with any garments you think may contain lice. You should also vacuum thoroughly. This will suck any lice eggs into the vacuum, and they will die.
Other Reasons thrift store make you itch.
The cause of the itch may be for other reasons. Some people have more sensitive skin. When you wear certain fabrics it can cause you to itch. You also could be allergic to the fabric. This is called allergic contact dermatitis. This is typically the result of resins or chemicals used when making the garments.
It may be the case that you have scabies. Scabies are easily spread if not looked for. And in the case of secondhand items they can often go undetected. You should read a guide on how to exterminate bed bugs. We have included a helpful guide at the end of this article.
Does the goodwill wash their clothes?
Goodwill, another name for thrift stores, has a best practice of only receiving clothes that have been washed. Clothes will not be accepted by a goodwill if they are visibly dirty. You should ask the goodwill you are going to about their clothes washing policy. There are some who receive clothes and wash them on site. Most though, only receive clean clothes.
Should you wash thrift store clothes?
It is best to wash thrift store clothes after you buy them. This because they have been tried on by other people, and you don’t know when the last time they were washed is. Some people perform a rigorous disinfectant routine. The best product to use for this is Lysol. Lysol is a laundry disinfectant that is very inexpensive. If you are outside the USA then you should be able to find a local alternative.
Step by Step: How to disinfect thrift store clothes
You will need a washing machine, Lysol, and laundry detergent or powder.
- Start your washing machine with the clothes in. No laundry powder yet.
- Once the washing machine has filled up and begins churning add a cap full of Lysol to the water. We do this step so that we don’t pour Lysol directly on the clothes.
- Add laundry detergent.
- Let the washing machine cycle finish
Some people add Lysol during the final rinse. This is optional and up to your personal preference.
Can you get diseases from thrift store clothes?
There have been no comprehensive studies done on the effect of diseases on clothes. It is safe to assume that if you disinfect the clothes properly the risk of disease is no more than buying brand new clothes from a regular store. If you are unsure you should follow a disinfectant routine.
Through our rigorous research we have not been able to find any cases of people getting a disease from thrift store clothes.
What should you not buy at thrift stores?
According to insider.com you should not buy:
- Helmets. Helmets over 5 years old should not be used. If you buy a helmet from a thrift store it is usually difficult to find out how old it is, therefore it is recommended to not buy a helmet from a thrift store unless you know how old it is.
- Anything that looks damaged or stained. You can find other clothes at other thrift stores. Clothes that you buy at a thrift store should not be damaged or stained. Most thrift stores have an abundant amount of thrift store clothes are are undamaged and stainfree.
Anything else as long as you can disinfect it to your liking can be purchased from a thrift store.
Want to learn more on what items resell best from thrift stores click here.
Learn how to start a business reselling thrifts: Thrifting for Profit: How to Thrift Like a Pro ($1,000+ a Month)
Can you get scabies from thrift store clothes?
According to Lifewithoutscabies.com, a thrift store clothing is one of the top 12 places that you can get scabies from. If you wash the clothes with disinfectant such as Lysol, you are virtually guaranteed to not get scabies. If you don’t wash your clothes then it is possible you will get it. Some areas have bad cases of scabies, and catching it from thrift store clothes you don’t wash can occur quite easily.
We have included a step by step guide to how to disinfect thrift store clothes in the previous section near the top of the page, on whether you should wash thrift store clothes. You should follow that if you are concerned about getting scabies from thrift store clothes.
Can you get bed bugs from thrift store clothes?
It is possible to get bed bugs from a thrift store. Bed bugs are about the same size as a small fly or ant. They are brown in color. In order to avoid getting bed bugs from a thrift store you should thoroughly check the items for them. If you see some you can buy the item and exterminate them later or make the decision not to buy the item.
If you suspect your bed might have bed bugs, you should thoroughly inspect the area around the bed. There is a common saying among experienced pest controllers that 95% of bed bugs are found within 5 feet of the bed. So, you should inspect the area around your bed thoroughly to check whether you have bed bugs. You need to check in hard to reach places because this is where they like to hide.
To exterminate bed bugs you should vacuum the affected area thoroughly. Once you have finished vacuuming it is a good idea to remove the contents of the vacuum into a rubbish bin, and immediately take the rubbish bin outside. There are a range of other steps you should take, so check out the video below by some experienced pest controllers on how to get rid of bed bugs.
Thrift stores make you itchy because you may be allergic to the material, you got lice from them, you have scabies, or bed bugs. It is best practice to wash clothes with disinfectant before wearing to remove any bacteria. If you suspect the clothing may have bugs in it, you can put them in a plastic back and put it in the freezer. This will kill any bugs. Other people have recommended using hot water and putting them in the dryer on a high heat. This does work but will shrink many types of fabrics.
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