Should You Buy Used Appliances?

Renovating or building a new home can quickly become a headache if your appliances don’t match your kitchen. Often, finding an appliance can mean a devastating hit to your budget. Are there alternatives to pricey new devices?
Yes, buying used appliances is a great idea if you are on a budget or are outfitting a cabin or vacation home. Used appliances are a great buy if they come with a warranty or a service plan.
Buying and selling used appliances is done more often than most would imagine. Diving in headfirst to the used appliance market can cause stress and anxiety. Never fret! Read on and learn what it takes to buy used appliances.
Where to Buy Used Appliances
When in the market for functional used appliances, there are several places that you should look before grabbing the first thing that fits into your budget.
The main places to search for used machines are:
- Craigslist
- Facebook Marketplace
- An app like Let Go
- eBay
- Used Appliance Stores
- Sheepbuy.com
Use Craigslist to Find Something Cheap and Affordable
Craigslist has been around since the 1990s and has been a leading second-hand marketplace. They are a multi-service site that offers a bit of everything, from employment to antiques. A great thing about Craigslist is that people might be willing to trade or barter. If you have a new machine that doesn’t fit in the appropriate place, a trade might be in your best interest.
Be mindful when shopping on Craigslist that buying from individuals comes with no guarantee. Several people have gotten a great appliance at a great price only to find out that the machine doesn’t function properly. You should always inquire if the device is operational and if there have been any problems.
One of the most exciting things about buying on Craigslist is that you can haggle the price. When you choose to purchase from a store, they have set a selling limit before the machine leaves the store. With Craigslist, a negotiation can take place, and you can purchase an appliance at a steal.
Craigslist Pros:
- Cheaper than a store
- Close to home
Craigslist Cons:
- No Guarantee or Warranty
- No help to load/unload
- No choice of model
Facebook Marketplace has Great Used Items
When Facebook added the Marketplace to its app a few years back, it gave another dimension to the used appliance market. With Marketplace, you can post or search for appliances in your area that might fit your needs. A significant drawback of second-hand stores like Craigslist is that you have to take what you can, especially in a bind.
One of the major positives of using Marketplace is that there will be pictures and a way to communicate with the seller. Any questions you might have about the product or payment can be arranged well beforehand. Some cities have gone as far as designating places for online purchases to protect the buyers from harm or robbery.
The Marketplace can be full of wishy-washy people that have no idea what they want. When going to pick up items, the seller or buyer will often not show and block you from further contact when you ask about the situation. Use the Marketplace only if they have the item you need.
Facebook Marketplace Pros:
- Great communication
- Pictures of appliance
- Easy to use
Facebook Marketplace Cons:
- No show buyers/sellers
- A high number of competitors
An App Like LetGo Can be Rewarding Now OfferUp
The apps on your phone provide you access to thousands of products that people are trying to get rid of. LetGo (OfferUp) is one of those apps. They have a wide array of products, from clothing to high tech electronics and games. Using Let Go (Offer Up) to search for used appliances isn’t a bad idea.
LetGo (OfferUp) works great for finding used appliances and can also be a great place to haggle for a better deal. If the machines were an unexpected expense in your budget, having an app like Let Go (Offer Up) gives you the option to make your money stretch even farther.
Like the Marketplace, Let Go (Offer Up) can be full of people who make meets that never happen or flake when you ask them to buy the appliance. The turnovers are pretty significant, and waiting a few days could yield an even great find than before. Patience is vital when dealing with second-hand sales apps.
LetGo (OfferUp) Pros:
- Large selection of appliances
- Find a better deal than in a store
LetGo (OfferUp) Cons:
- No show buyers/sellers
- Items don’t list for long
eBay has a Large Selection of Used Items
One of the front runners in used items is eBay. They have moved toward a new product market, but used items can be accessed with a quick change to the search engine. Buying used on eBay could mean that companies are offering factory refurbished models that aren’t available anywhere else.
Factory refurbished is a great way to save money and have an appliance to serve a purpose until you find the perfect fit. A model that comes back to the factory for repair is returned to the same standard as a new unit. Whatever was wrong with the appliance was tracked down, and every related piece was replaced.
eBay has snipers whose sole job is to raise the price of items as they near the end of the auction. If you are in the running, placing a bid that extends a few dollars past your budget is a smart play. eBay is an auction site. If you want to win something, you must bid higher than the competitor. A sniper could steal the auction from you if you didn’t bid high enough.
eBay Pros:
- Thousands of products
- Large turnaround selection
- Factory refurbished products
eBay Cons:
- Snipers will raise bids at last minute
- Shipping hassles and fees
Used Appliance Stores Will Be a Must
Most cities don’t have a place that sells used appliances. If you are lucky enough to live in a city that has a used store, go there and shop to your heart’s delight. These used stores have name brand models that could be scratched and dented, which knocks a substantial amount off the item.
Used appliance stores have a warranty. The salespeople and their sales model may be a bit more on the wallet; they can have a warranty that protects the machine if it ever breaks down. This warranty needs to clear about what it does and does not provide the buyer. A sales tactic is to give a guarantee that only lasts a few days. Avoid the stores that offer a gimmick warranty.
Used appliance stores can have a limited option of models or be confined to a single manufacturer. If they don’t have anything close to what you are looking for, it may turn into a dead end. Often, these stores have things that were returned or didn’t sell when they were new on the floor. It is a take “what you can get” atmosphere that could be good or bad.
Used Appliance Store Pros:
- Discounted items
- Warranty provided
Used Appliance Store Cons:
- Often scratch and dent
- Pushy salespeople and deals
- Lack of selection and models
Sheepbuy.com for Everything Under the Sun
Sheepbuy is a young marketplace company with an incredible upside. They have a platform that allows sellers to post items for free, and selling is strictly between buyer and seller via PayPal. When their products sell, there are never any selling or hidden fees. This platform is excellent for entrepreneurs wanting to start selling online from home.
This platform allows customers to see several items at once across several different industries throughout the U.S.
Sheepbuy is a company on the rise that can lead to some fantastic deals and will be sure to provide hours of shopping and deal-hunting. A good thing about Sheepbuy is that they have certain items available as local pick up option. This means the buyer must be relatively close to purchase the item.
Sheepbuy.com Pros:
- Vast array of items
- Great value
Sheepbuy.com Cons:
- Still in Beta, and some functionality might be missing.
- Overwhelming user experience
Click here for a used appliance price guide.
What to Look for When Searching for Used Appliances
Buying used appliances may be tedious. After all the hard work of researching the type of device you’d like to buy, you sometimes don’t find the model you are looking for. The number of products on the market, combined with the exact size and dimensions that you need to fill, is a tall order.
Here are some tips that can make you fare better in your search for used appliances:
Buy Name Brand
One of the best things about name brand products is that they often find a second life in cabins or vacation homes. People trust name brand appliances because they have a reputation for building quality products that stand the test of time.
A name brand machine can be found in scratch and dent stores or used sections of large chain stores. If you are lucky enough to find one in a store, the warranty could still be intact, or the store might offer something compared to the original.
Name brands also have a wealth of information about their models online. An off-brand model could be sold with no instructions or owner’s manual. Having something with a famous brand name means that the owner’s manual could be online, or the company can be easily contacted to acquire one.
Big Items are Solid Buys
When you cruise into your grandma’s house on Sunday for dinner, have you ever noticed the old and frail freezer she keeps her food in? Why does she have an old freezer like that? Because it still works. Larger items like freezers and refrigerators are made to last longer than smaller appliances.
The most common big appliances are:
- Refrigerators
- Freezers
- Dish Washers
- Washing Machines
- Dryers
The large size of the units means that they must use heavy-duty pipes and components to power the machine. The innards are more durable and often function for upwards of 20 years. The large-sized machines are also great because they are easy to spot in stores and at yard sales.
A large appliance like a refrigerator is going to cost more but will last longer. People often get rid of machines that are functioning just fine because they don’t fit the kitchen decoration scheme. Freezers are usually one of the first ones to go.
Opt for the Floor Model
When you go into a big box store, ask about purchasing the model on the floor. Most companies have a policy that they must sell the models in the box before moving to the floor model. If that is the case, leave a note for the manager to contact you when the last boxed appliance sells.
Though the floor models have seen wear, they have often never been powered up and only have a few cosmetic flaws that can be fixed with replacement parts. When it comes to appliances, its what’s on the inside that counts! Don’t disregard a piece because it does not fit into the color scheme. Take what you can until you can afford what you want.
Another great thing about the floor models is that they often come with a steep discount. Some stores base the price on how long the model has been on the floor. If you catch a model from a few years ago, the price difference might be enough to upgrade.
Stores who have the policy to sell floor models are:
- Best Buy
- Home Depot
- Lowes
- Sam’s Club
Wait for the Holidays to Make a Purchase
The best time of year to get appliances is during the holiday swing. Most people think that televisions and other electronics are the most deeply discounted items of the season, but they are wrong. Large household appliances like dishwashers and refrigerators will have a premium display space that needs to be gone for the TV rush of the Super Bowl.
During the holiday months, chain stores are fighting to save as much space as possible for new products. Large appliances are at the top of the chopping block when it comes to letting things go. Space is a huge issue, and the bulk size of these items means that they lose money by never leaving a prime area in the store.
Almost everything is on sale during the holiday season. Buying something substantial and used at this time of year could save the money you need to get the kid’s new toys or your significant other’s dreamed vacation.
Use Consumer Reports for Research
When jumping into the used appliance market, knowing all you can about the products and their dependability is everything. Consumer Reports is a website that has buying guides and tutorials on every product you can think of. They specialize in helping people make the right decision about what products they should buy.
Knowing about a model beforehand is an excellent idea because you will see the problem spots and check them for any damage before buying the appliance. A site like Consumer Reports can be your most trusted ally during your search for the perfect used machine. They focus on several different product areas and could lead you to important recall information about the product.
Using every bit of knowledge to navigate the rugged terrain of used appliances is a must. The reports and investigations done by the engineers and journalists should be taken as facts. They provide crucial buying information that could mean the difference between success and failure in your home project.
Buy Something with Available Parts
If you are shopping for a used appliance, it is good to buy something with available parts and reference materials. Buying used means that the machine already has years of service behind it. Older devices might need parts to make them serviceable again. There is a feeling of hope when you service your appliance and know you can fix it only to get crushed when there are no more parts available in the market.
If you bought a name brand used appliance, this shouldn’t be a problem. Chain stores make a point to sell the parts of the machines they offer to the public. This gives the salesperson an upper hand and an intimate knowledge of how to better the customer’s experience. Large companies have several outlets to sell their parts. These partnerships make it easy for people across the country to access spare parts.
Use your Friends as a Last Resort
You might think it’s a good idea to jump out and buy something from a friend, but that is a risky option in the used market. Buying from an individual comes with no guarantees and no returns if the item doesn’t work. It is best to ensure that the machine works, and if the seller doesn’t want to plug it in or let you inspect it, walk away from the deal. Don’t take home a broken machine. It will have to be tested before it is bought.
When you buy from a second-hand store, there could be a warranty that comes with the used appliance. This is a plus that you aren’t going to get with a purchase from a friend or the internet. Also, if the machine doesn’t work, there could be friction in the relationship, which could linger and destroy the friendship.
Buying from a friend might seem like a good idea, but be careful before making a mistake. The lack of guarantee and possible loss of a friend is not worth it. Keep your business in the local economy by shopping at used and second-hand stores in your neighborhood or community.
Tips for Buying a Used Refrigerator
If you are in the market for a used refrigerator, you need to know what your looking for. People will gravitate towards the bells and whistles when buying a new fridge, but look for these things to help the most:
- What kind of door does it have? – A solid door will be less efficient than the more modern two doors and a drawer model.
- How old is it? – The age of a refrigerator will tell you all you need to know about it. If it is between 10 and 15 years old, it is time to look for something else.
- Is it a reliable brand? – If you go with a name brand model, you can expect it to be a stand-up product. Buying off-brand and used can be hard to source parts or find owner’s manual information.
Tips for Buying a Used Dish Washer
A dishwasher replacement can be a pain in the neck. Worn cabinetry around the old model could need replacing as well as the plumbing and flooring. The things to look for when buying a used dishwasher are:
- Where is the dishwasher going? – If the appliance is only needed for the vacation home or cabin, noise might not be that big of a deal. When it comes to your home, get one that is quiet and conserves water.
- How long will the new unit last? – The headache of taking out an old dishwasher will make you look for a new one that is reliable and durable. Pick something from the Consumer Reports buying guide that has an excellent reputation for durability.
- Will it fit the space you have? – Knowing how large the opening is for the new washer will be a crucial part of the process. Write the dimensions down and take them with you when you buy a new or used one. This list will save a ton of headaches later.
Tips for Buying a Used Oven
When the oven in your home goes out, you are in for quite the dent in your bank account. New ranges can cost several thousand dollars, and a used model could cost anywhere from $150 to $900. The main things to look for when buying a used oven are:
- Has it been repaired? – Often people will replace broken glass and faulty knobs on the stove. Ask if there have been any internal electrical problems with the machine. This is the root of all issues.
- Are there issues with the burners? – The cooktop burners on a stove can be cranky within years. Check them all to make sure that they work in every setting.
- Can the parts be easily found? – Components may not seem like a big deal, but when the heating element in your oven goes out, it is nice to know you can find what you need. Buying a name brand product will ensure that you will get whatever you might need.
Tips for Buying a Used Washing Machine
A washing machine is a critical part of running a household. When it goes out there’s desperation to buy the first machine that you see, but you should check for these things before purchasing:
- Does it work? – Rotate the buttons and see if water flows into the cylinder when the button is pushed. Spin the tumbler on the inside to ensure that it moves freely and doesn’t make any noise.
- Was there a warranty? – Ask the seller if there was a warranty on the machine. If it is a newer model, that warranty could still apply. Check the paperwork if they still have it, and you could be in for a surprise guarantee for parts and labor.
- Has it been recalled? – It isn’t uncommon for machines to come with factory defects. If it has been recalled, there is a chance you could get the parts you need to fix it.
As with any other purchase, you should do your homework when it comes to buying a used appliance. Take time to research the product, if spare parts are available, and know what would cause it to fail. This will give you the option to repair or fix it yourself if it ever goes bad.
Not all old appliances will fail. Some machines made back in the late ’70s, and early ’80s are still working. Doing your homework ensures that you’ll buy a machine that will be in operation for a long time.
Whichever appliance you choose for your home or vacation home, take the time to choose something that has parts readily available and doesn’t require a professional to make the needed repairs.
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