How to make $80 a day?

Making a decent wage these days can be tiring. Let’s face it; it can be downright exhausting. And if you just want to have a steady stream of income moving in every day without much effort, well, nothing comes for free, now does it?
However, just because nothing comes for free, doesn’t mean with a little bit of work that one couldn’t earn a wage every day from the comfort of your own home. But how to make $80 a day? Let’s look at a few answers to this puzzle.
Below I will show you thirteen ways to make $80 dlls a day.
1. Hand made product sales.
If you’re handy with crafts, you can make a lot of money selling your wares online. There are multiple sites like Etsy or Sheepbuy that one can use to sell products that are hand made.
Whether you can paint, write, build things out of wood or even knit or sew, you can make something that someone is going to want.
Take a look at what’s selling in your area so you can target those kinds of crafts. Starting in your local area is also good to get a handle on how you’ll set up shipping before you try to sell oversees.
Hand made products have been sold for thousands of years and will likely continue to sell for another few thousand years. They say good markets have longevity. What do you think?
2. Online virtual product sales
Speaking of selling products, a great way to generate $80 in a day is to profit from selling virtual products.
For example, perhaps a person is good at writing short stories. This person could write a short story every week and sell these short stories online for a few dollars, or whatever the going rate is for a short story.
After a year of writing short stories, if only one per week, the writer would have 52 short stories for sale.
If these were selling at $10 each, one could sell 8 per day and $80 per day goal is not a problem. If there are 52 to choose from, how hard would it be to sell 8 per day?
It is an example of just one of the many different types of virtual products a person could make and sell.
3. Build a website
If one is technologically savvy, one could build a website. There are several ways a person could make money with a website. Even just a simple blog can make money from advertising if people visit the blog.
With the simple website builders out there, it’s easy to get a website set up. And after a bit of work, there’s no reason why a person wouldn’t be capable of earning $80 per day.
It would take work though, nothing good comes easily after all.
4. Online training courses
If you have a skill, then there’s someone out there willing to pay for your knowledge. All you need to do is set up a training course to teach some of that knowledge to others.
It can be a bit tricky to build, but if you set it up correctly, there’s a good chance you could be making a lot more than $80 per day from selling the online course.
It isn’t unreasonable to consider this method to be a means to make hundreds of dollars per day instead of just $80. A simple course sold for $20 would only need to sell four every 24 hours to make your $80 per day. That’s one sale every 6 hours for this example. How hard can that be when the internet reaches billions of people every day?
5. Online ebook sales
As discussed in the virtual product section above, an ebook is a particular type of downloadable product. Although it can take some time to write, or cost some money to pay someone else to write on your behalf, once printed, you can start selling.
Then you just sell and sell and sell some more. Budget a portion of your profits back into marketing, and with a decent ebook, you could be looking like some good residual income.
A half-decent ebook could sell for the next decade with little more than a trickle budget for marketing. That means if it were to take a month to write, you are getting paid for years. That’s a reasonably good investment, and its success is based solely on your efforts.
6. Freelance writer
As we were just discussing writing, it seems only fair to mention that an easy way to make $80 per day is by writing for other people.
Many businesses, websites, publishers, and more will pay handsomely for well-written content, so freelance writing is a great way to make your money from your laptop’s comfort.
7. Freelance virtual assistant
Much like the writer, a freelance virtual assistant can do several tasks all from their laptop. This role typically includes a variety of functions, from transcribing to scheduling appointments. A phone is often required, but if you aren’t afraid to help someone with some form of administrative duties, then this is a great way to make $80 in a day quickly.
8. Buy/Sell vintage products.
Where there are vintage items, there is money to be made. It is just a simple fact of modern society. As things change, many seek the details of the past. Sometimes it’s a trend resurfacing, or perhaps a collectible, everything from shoes and clothing to artwork and furniture can be bought and sold.
Finding great vintage products and reselling them for a profit using a site like Sheepbuy is a great way to generate $80 per day or more quickly. People love vintage stuff.
9. Start a Youtube channel.
Another exciting way to make money, and a great one if you’re a natural on camera, is to start a YouTube channel. Many people are making a lot more than $80 per day by having big YouTube channels.
And there are many ways one could make money from a YouTube channel. From advertising to product placement, YouTube can make you a lot of money if you put some effort into building a following and a decent channel.
10. Garage Sale Bargain Hunter
Remember how we were discussing vintage items? Well, a great place to find them is garage sales. But it isn’t just old stuff you can make money from with garage sales.
Old electronics can sometimes net a nice quick profit, especially music equipment.
Often one can find an old electric guitar amp or other items at a garage sale, and you can usually talk the seller into a low price. You can go and sell it to a pawn shop for more than you paid, or you can sell it for even more on a site like Sheepbuy.
11. Learn a skill and sell your services
If you are good at something or you want to be good at something, then learning that skill is a good idea. Whether it’s writing, as discussed earlier with the ebook or freelance writer or another skill like small business bookkeeping, service sells.
Remember that if you can perform a service that fulfills a need, then you can make money. It’s just that simple.
12. Lead generation
Lead generation is an exciting way to make money. The concept is that you find people interested in selling on a particular item or service and provide their name and contact information to a company selling the item or service.
It is similar to affiliate marketing, except its focus is on providing a sales lead to a company. It is often a great money maker in the financial and insurance industries. And it can easily net a person $80 per day if you find the right connections to sell the leads and generate them.
13. Investing
One of the tried, tested and true ways of making money is by investing. To generate $80 per day is by no means impossible, but doing so in a relatively safe and stable way might require a sizeable initial investment.
The good thing to consider with investing is that you can start small, and over time your money will grow. Investing isn’t something you need thousands of dollars to do. You just need to contribute regularly and leave your money to mature on its own. But over time, you can make a lot more than $80 per day from your long term investments if you stay committed.
These are the 13 ways you can make $80 a day. If you combine several of these it can even equate to more.
I personally like selling products online through a marketplace. What I like is that you just post your items for sale, share on social media, and let the money come in. You don’t actually have to share socially but I’ve seen that sales increment when I do so.
If you are looking for a marketplace to sell your items online try sheepbuy.
It’s the only marketplace that has zero commissions on sales and transactions are between buyer and seller only, via paypal.
Did I mention that they have a free tier.
If you’d like to learn more on how Sheepbuy works click here.
Recommended Blog Posts:
- How to use Sheepbuy?
- 50 products you need to sell online from home.
- 100 Legitimate ways to make money at home.
- Jeff Rose, “21 Ways To Earn $100 Every Day Online” Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/jrose/2019/04/22/how-to-earn-100-dollars-a-day/#1e6d536c4540, Accessed July 4, 2020.
- Michelle Kulas, “How To Make $100 A Day (It’s Easier Than You Think!)” https://www.nichepursuits.com/make-100-day-easier-think/, Accessed July 4, 2020.
- Grant Sabatier, “How To Make $100 Dollars Fast” https://millennialmoney.com/how-to-make-100-dollars-fast-in-a-day/, Accessed July 4, 2020.

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