How Do You Make $1000 a Month With AdSense?

When I first started learning about online marketing, I came across Google Adsense. I was surprised to learn that you could earn money from it fairly passively. So, I researched the topic, figured out how to do it, and put together this helpful article about how to make $1000 a month with Adsense.
So, how do you make $1000 a month with Adsense? There are only two ways to make $1000 a month with Adsense, with a blog or a Youtube channel. You need to create a lot of blog posts and Youtube videos to get enough views on the ads. And if you do everything right, it can take about one year before you make $1000 a month.
In this article, I will explain to you how to do everything right so that you can make $1000 with Adsense. So read on to discover the secrets I have learned for making $1000 a month with Google Adsense.
Step 1: Decide if you want to do Youtube, a blog, or both.
Youtube and a blog are very different to make. So, you want to use a format that you’re comfortable with. In this step I will discuss how to decide between doing either-or because you need to choose one. So, in this step, I will explain exactly how to choose between doing one or the other and whether you want to do both.
Here’s how you do that:
1. Evaluate your personality
Some people have naturally outgoing personalities, whereas others are more reserved and enjoy spending time alone.
It is a spectrum, though, and people will be somewhat to one side or close to the middle. It is determined by doing a test known as the Myers-Briggs Test. You answer a bunch of questions, and based on your answers, it will tell you whether you are more introverted or extroverted.
You might already have an idea of what kind of person you are. I know I am more introverted. Which means I am better at writing blog posts naturally.
But, I have since developed my outgoing and sociable side, so I have adjusted my personality to be more in the middle. I can comfortably have a good time being out with people and spending lots of time alone.
You can take a free test by clicking here to go to one of them. Once you know what kind of personality you have, it will be easy to decide whether you are better suited to write a blog, do Youtube videos, or a combination of both.
2. Evaluate your skills
You might already have spoken in front of an audience and done a speech. With this experience, you can already speak in front of a crowd, which will make it very easy to make Youtube videos. You are just speaking to an imaginary audience.
In your life, you might have also done some drama or acting classes. This experience will be beneficial to you for making Youtube videos.
Or, you may have written a lot of essays in elementary and high school, which will help you in writing good blog posts.
Regardless of your life experience, spend 5 minutes at the most writing down on a piece of paper or a document on your computer any skills and experience you have had in your life. And then see what parts of these skills can apply to blogging and making Youtube videos.
That way, you can see which one you might already have a lot of skills in. But remember, any skills that you need to acquire, you can easily learn.
3. Determine whether you want to learn how to do one over the other
Now that you’ve found out what type of personality you have and made a list of skills you have developed in your past that could help you. You now need to pick one to start with.
It’s a good idea to do both eventually. But, most people don’t have the time it takes to both to a high standard. So, for that reason, I would say just choose one, and go with that.
Now you’ve done all the hard work of choosing whether to do Youtube or blogging, and you’re well on your way to making some money. Next, you need to decide what topic to make your Youtube channel or blog about. And that’s the topic for the next step, and is a key part of making $1000 a month with Adsense.
Step 2: Choose a topic to create a Youtube channel or Blog about
To make $1000 a month with Google Adsense, you need to choose a topic where advertisers are willing to pay high CPMs. CPM stands for cost per milli, which means cost per 1000 views. This is the standard unit of measurement for display advertising.
If you choose a lower CPM topic, you will have to make more Youtube videos and blog articles to earn $1000 a month with Adsense.
So, you should identify a topic that makes sense based on what topic you would enjoy or have an interest in. Also one that makes a good CPM so that you don’t have to make as much content.
Here’s how you want to select the right topic
- Brainstorm potential topic ideas
- Look at the CPMs they have
- Refine your list and sleep on it
1. Brainstorm potential topic ideas that you will love to make content about
Almost any topic will work for your blog or Youtube channel. But, you will come up with some ideas if you brainstorm for 30 minutes or so. You don’t need to force yourself to think of anything. Just let the topics flow; as you write one or two, you will think of more.
Once you’re satisfied with how many you’ve written, look over any that stand out to you, and put them on a new list. These could be ones you have a particular interest in or are interested to learn about.
Now, I’ll explain how to narrow this shortlist down based on those that will be the easiest to make money with.
2. How to see which topics have the highest CPM
Google Adsense provides this data in their Google Keyword tool. But you want to look at the CPC for the keywords in that industry. Because they currently don’t display the CPM. CPM’s are used by some other advertising agencies when it comes to display banner ads.
Once you’re getting a good amount of traffic, you can let people know that you are renting out banner space on your website. Anyways a quick aside, back to getting keywords with the highest CPC’s.
To read a really good guide on how to use the Google keyword planner tool then check out this article by clicking here.
As an example, if one of the topics you chose was skiing, you can see the CPC for any skiing related searches people would do on Google.
Such as ‘how to ski’ and ‘best skis for beginners’. If you just put in skiing, Google will suggest related keywords and display the CPC’s next to them.
On Youtube, one article from Influencer Marketing Hub said that on average, Youtubers make $3 to $5 per 1000 views.
Comparing this from the data provided by Wordsteam – who have found that approximately 20 people out of 1000 will click on an ad. That means you will make 20 times whatever the CPC is per 1000 views of your video or blog post.
Which is 20 clicks times $3.
Simplifying it that is: $60 for every 1000 pageviews or video views.
This gives you a very clear target to aim for.
So, to make $1000 with Adsense on the low end, you will need to get 16,000 page views or video views each month.
The most famous Youtubers Pewdiepie who gets around 5 million views on each of his videos.
He would get about $300,000 for each video. But, his channel is absolutely huge with over 1 million subscribers.
But, all of these numbers very much depend on what the CPC is for the topics you are deciding on for your website.
3. Narrow down your list of topics further to decide which one is best for you
Now that you’ve narrowed down your list of topics and found the CPC value for them, the last step is just to choose which topic has the highest CPC and that you like the most. Some of the topics on the list might not have as high a CPC, but you think you’ll have more fun creating content about it.
Now the last step, finding topics to make content about by evaluating the competition.
Step 3: Evaluate the competition
Before you create content, it is a very good idea to evaluate the competition for the sub-topics that you are going to make videos and blog posts about.
What you want to look for are topics that don’t already have really good content for them. When there is a lot of competition, you will have to make something that is far better.
Because when there is already something good, this is often too difficult. And it’s easier to choose another topic because there’s so many to choose from. In this section I’ll talk about how to evaluate the competition and come up with a list of topics to make content about.
Here’s how you do it:
As an example, if you are making a website about skiing – this example again! – then you might think about writing a topic about how to attach your skis to your boots.
To see if there is a lot of competition for this type of content, just jump on to Google or Youtube and type it in. From there you the results will come up.
You want to look at each of the results that come up and read or watch it a bit. And see if you can create a Youtube video or blog article that is much better than it.
For some keywords, you will find an amazing video and an amazing blog article. For these topics, you are best to skip them. There are many easier topics to go after. You want to find articles that are very short – around less than 500 words. And videos that are bad quality or very short.
This part takes a bit of time, and you can either find topics one by one or find a list of say 20 to 30.
It can be a bit confusing coming up with topics, and you might feel a bit unsure of yourself when doing it. Here is an excellent article that explains how to find good keywords for blogging.
Sometimes entire industries already have too much competition. Although they are very rare, it’s important to be able to identify them. I put together a complete guide for how to tell if an industry is oversaturated which covers a lot of other useful tips. You can read it by clicking here What Are Some Trending but Not Oversaturated Products?
When you can write something or make a higher quality video on a subject, Google rewards you with more traffic. This is because Google can tell if people spend more time on your content, which means it’s better user experience, thus rewarding you with more traffic.
So, they will put it at the top of the results, which means you’ll get A LOT more views and clicks. Generally, it is too hard to make a lot of money with a blog unless the articles you write are in the top 5 results on the first page of Google. Anything beyond that doesn’t get hardly any clicks.
How that works has been in this study, where they analyzed articles they wrote and their position in the ranking versus how much traffic they got.
Step 4: Create the content
Actually setting up the blog or Youtube channel has been much better explained by other people already so you can find links to how to that below:
How to set up your Youtube channel
When it comes to creating the content, you want to create content that is better than what is ranking in the top 3. That way, people will engage with it more, and Google will notice and will put your content at the top of the results.
As long as you do that, everything else will take care of itself. In blogging and making videos, it’s very hit and miss. Some pieces of content you will make will do well, and some will get hardly any views.
Step 5: Add the ads
Once you’ve got a good amount of content or before, you can add the ads to your Youtube channel or Blog. Youtube has a guideline where they will only accept channels that have over 1000 subscribers.
But, with Adsense, they will take any website no matter how much traffic it is getting. However, it does have to meet a few criteria, such as having certain pages like an About page and a Privacy Policy.
Here’s an excellent resource where they explain step by step how to add Google Adsense to your website.
How To Add Adsense to Your Website
It can often be difficult to stay motivated during this process because you often won’t see results for six months to a year. In a recent article I wrote I explained how to stay motivated when you are creating an online business. You can read that article by clicking here Is It Hard to Make $500 a Month Blogging?
By the way, if you are interested in making money online, the website you are on now is an online marketplace. They offer a free account where you can sell your items for Free. The cool thing about our marketplace is that we do not charge a selling commission like other marketplaces. All transactions are between the buyer and the seller via Paypal. If you are interested in listing your items, click here and start saving.
So, to make $1000 a month from Google, Adsense should first decide whether you want to make a Youtube channel or a blog.
Then you want to brainstorm some topics and narrow it down. You should select the topics based on whether you know a bit about the topic already and how interested you are.
From there, you should see which topics have the highest CPC’s. Then finally, you want to set up your website or Youtube channel, create the content, GSCand add Google Adsense to it.
If you want help with any of this, feel free to leave a comment. Also, what did you think? Do you feel like you have everything you need to make $1000 a month with Adsense?
- Wikipedia: Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator
- Truity.com: The TypeFinder® Personality Test
- Backlinko.com: How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2020
- Influencermarketinghub.com: How Much do YouTubers Make? – A YouTuber’s Pocket Guide [Calculator]
- Youtube.com: PewdiePie Channel
- Backlinko.com: Keyword Research
- Theleverageway.com: How Far Down the Search Engine Results Page Will Most People Go?
- Wix.com: Create a Blog Worth Sharing
- Youtube.com: How To Create A YouTube Channel! (2020 Beginner’s Guide) – Justin Brown – Primal Video Channel
- Quicksprout.com: How to Add Adsense to Your Website

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