Does the Salvation Army Wash Clothes Before Selling?

Having been to a few thrift stores I noticed the Salvation Army has a fairly good selection. When I got some items I bought home I noticed they had a faint odor, and I wondered if their clothes were washed after people handed them in. So, I did some research into whether the Salvation Army washes their clothes before selling, and put together this helpful article to explain what I found.
So, does the Salvation Army wash clothes before selling? The Salvation Army, do not wash their clothes before putting them up for display, although many people wash their clothes before handing donating. Certain stores might differ, so it is best to call or visit them to ask.
Many people wonder which charities are the best to give to, as well as, whether there is anything you should know in particular when buying clothes from a thrift store such as the Salvation Army. So, below I will explain why most thrift stores don’t wash their clothes, as well as, which charities are the best to donate to, and whether you can donate unwashed clothes.
Do thrift stores wash their clothes?
Generally, large providers of second-hand clothing and merchandise such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill do not wash their clothes before selling them. They receive a large volume of used items on a daily basis, so have had to implement efficient ways of doing it. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get through all the items.
According to Huffington Post Goodwill throws out wet, smelly, or dirty items. Goodwill makes up 33% of the total sales made in thrift stores each year from their 3,000 stores throughout the US. According to data from the Association of retail professionals. Anything that looks presentable will be let through and go to the store for display. In between this process they spray the garments with a deodorizer.
It can be problematic for consumers because thrift stores have large bins where they collect clothes. So, the clothes could come from anywhere. This means that any fungal infections, lice, scabies, or bed bugs can get transferred to you when you try them. They can also get transferred to you on your way home and when you try them on at home. That is why it is best practice to wash thrift store clothes when you buy them. You should also inspect clothes for any bugs before trying them on in the store.
How should you wash clothes from a thrift store?
You should wash clothes at a temperature greater than 130°F (55°C), this will kill any lice and their eggs in your wash as recommended by the CDC. They also say that you should call in a professional pest remover if you find you have an infestation of bed bugs. Both of these are fairly rare to get. So, I wouldn’t stress that you might get them. You should also use a disinfectant in the wash such as Lysol, this will kill any bacteria, and remove a majority of the bad odors that may be present in the fabric.
If you get a fungal infection from used socks or shoes, these are best treated with apple cider vinegar. The acid in the vinegar kills the fungus. As will all fungal remedies you must apply them consistently until it is gone. There are many cheaps and easy to use anti fungal creams available at your local pharmacy or from a physician. It is best to talk with them as they will know which one you should get.
Click here to learn more on how to get ride off thrift store smell.
Where can I donate dirty clothes?
You can donate dirty clothes at many of the handy bins that are located throughout most cities. Goodwill and the Salvation Army are known to not wash their clothes. They will throw out any clothing that is wet, or dirty. Most establishments that accept clothes ask people to please wash them before donating them, as it saves them a lot of time.
Should I donate my clothes to Goodwill or Salvation Army?
The Salvation Army is focused on helping out those in need. Goodwill is the same but they have more of a focus on job skills, and help people transition into full time employment. Both are very popular and will receive and distribute your clothes the same.
The Salvation Army is more embedded in the community and hosts free meal events. They are more outgoing and charitable. They will give away clothing for free if you go in there with no money, but need warm clothing, shoes, or similar.
Though both provide a service to the community, the Salvation Army has its roots in Christianity. This means that they incorporate Christian ideals into their business. If you are a Christian you will probably feel more at home donating and supporting the Salvation Army. With that being said most churches have some form of clothing donation, and activities to help out the less fortunate. You should enquire at your local church in this regard. Goodwill, on the other hand, is not associated with any religion in particular.
What is the best charity to donate items to?
According to Moving.com the top charities to donate to are the Salvations Army, Goodwill, AMVETS National Service Foundation, Habitat for Humanity. They will pick up donated items from you. Below I will briefly describe each one and provide links to their websites.
The Salvation Army
They have been around for 150 years, and are widespread in over 7,000 cities. They are a Christian charity.
- Items they accept: Clothing, furniture, automobiles, household goods, and appliances. They also receive monetary donations.
- What they help with: Adult rehabilitation, veterans, those imprisoned, the elderly, missing persons, hunger relief, housing and homeless, Christmas assistance, youth camps and recreation.
They were established in 1902 and have more than 2,800 stores throughout the USA and Canada. They use the money they raise from selling your items on job training programs.
- Items they accept: They accept all items.
- What they help with: They help people to find jobs, and stop excess waste from going into landfills.
Link to where you can organise a donation:https://www.goodwill.org/donate/donate-stuff/
AMVETS National Service Foundation
They were founded in 1944, they have over 250,000 members. They donate 84% of proceeds from the sale of items directly to its members.
- Items they accept: They accept all items.
- What they help with: They help veterans with employment, health issues.
Link to where you can organise a donation: https://amvetsnsf.org
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for humanity helps people restore their homes, or build new ones.They are a Christian based organization and promote dignity and hope.
- Items they accept: They accept new and gently used furniture, building materials, household items, appliances, and cars. Each store which they call a ReStore has a unique operation so it is best to enquire with the store directly.
- What they help with: They help people restore their homes, or build new ones.
Link to where you can organise a donation: https://www.habitat.org/restores/donate-goods
The Salvation Army does not wash their clothes before selling. Many of the large thrift stores do not wash their clothes before displaying them for sale. This is because they receive large amounts of items and have found it more efficient to request people to wash their clothes before donating them. It is general practice at some thrift stores such as Goodwill to throw away any clothing that is wet or soiled. The best charities to donate to are the Salvation Army, Goodwill, AMVETS, and Habitat for Humanity.
Recommended Blog Posts:
- Huffpost.com: Here’s What Goodwill Actually Does With Your Donated Clothes
- Brandongaille.com: 32 Thrift Store Industry Statistics and Trends
- CDC.gov: Lice
- Moving.com: 5 Charities That Will Pick Up Your Stuff
- Goodwill.com: Donate Stuff
- Amvetsnsf.org: Homepage
- Habitat.org: Donate goods to Habitat for Humanity ReStore

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