Can You Get Lice From Thrift Stores?

Going to thrift stores often I thought about whether I can get lice from thrift stores. So I did research about it and put together this helpful article.
So, can you get lice from thrift stores? It is very uncommon to get lice from thrift stores. Lice fall from a person’s head onto clothing. Clothing stores do not wash their clothes after people try them on, and most of the big thrift stores don’t wash their clothes before putting them on display.
You should inspect clothing items before you try them on. As well as, inspecting other household items such as mattresses and blankets. Below, I will explain more details about which thrift stores don’t wash their clothes, as well as, how to get rid of them if you get them, and what you should avoid buying a thrift store.
Can you get lice from used clothes?
It is possible to get lice from used clothes, but the risk is very low. You are more likely to get them from a thrift store that does not wash their clothes. Some thrift stores such as the Salvation Army and Goodwill do not wash their clothes prior to putting them on display. This means if there are any lice in them they could get through undetected.
If someone has lice in the hair, and they try on a garment in a clothes store, there is a chance the lice could jump and land on the garment. In clothing stores, it is not best practice to wash clothes after they have been tried on. Therefore, the lice can remain in there and jump into your hair or your clothing. They can also lay eggs, which hatch after 1-2 weeks, according to Kidshealth.org.
Further to this, the CDC has said head lice are not considered a health hazard. There have no reported cases of lice spreading diseases. They are irritating because you can get woken up in the night when you feel them crawl around, as well as, the itchiness from their bites. If you scratch too hard you can cause micro-abrasions on the skin which sting.
How do you get rid of lice in clothing and in the home?
Head lice die if they do not feed for 1-2 days. Head lice eggs will die after one week if they aren’t kept in warm and humid conditions like those found close to the skin. Therefore, any natural treatment that takes into account these factors will be effective. There are chemical treatments that are available. You should consult with your family doctor or physician in order to find the right solution for you.
For items that can’t be laundered, you should leave them in isolation for two weeks. That way you give plenty of time for the eggs and lice to die from starvation.
Do I need to get my house fumigated?
Using fogs or fumigant sprays is not recommended. The sprays are too strong, and are toxic when inhaled or remain on the skin. It is overkill to get your house fumigated if you have lice. You should also not use household insect sprays on lice for the same reasons.
How do I wash my clothes to kill lice?
You can submerge them in water that is hotter than 130°F (55°C). This will kill lice and their eggs. Some fabrics will shrink if you put them in hot water. If you suspect your clothing item may shrink in a hot wash. Then it is best to isolate the item for two weeks. This will starve the lice and eggs to death. Put them in a plastic bag and put them in the garage or somewhere where they won’t come in contact with anyone.
Click here to learn more on how to get thrift store smell off clothes.
What should you not buy at thrift stores?
There is a range of items that you should purchase at a thrift store for health and safety reasons. These items are often not obvious, so below I will list them with a brief discussion why.
- Children’s car seats and similar car restraints. These have a shelf life and similar to bicycle helmets should be replaced after a crash. This is because when you crash it weakens the material. So, if you get in an accident again the protection which it should have provided wont work correctly or wont work 100%. This makes using it redundant.
- Children’s strollers. Similar to the previous item. This is because small children, especially babies can maintain a serious injury if they fall or are in an accident.
- Helmets. Helmets should be replaced after they are in a crash. When you buy a second hand helmet you don’t know whether the person before you has been in an accident. These are items you should buy new, unless given to you by a friend you trust.
- Headboards covered in fabric. Headboards are some of the places that bed bugs like to hide in the most. They have narrow gaps where bed bugs can hide undetected, according to the CDC.
- Soft toys/stuffed animals. These are nice to have, but can have fleas and bedbugs. You should generally avoid these or inspect them carefully before purchase.
- Mattresses. You may have to treat them for bed bugs or fleas which is an annoyance. You should inspect thoroughly and be prepared to not be able to use them for two weeks while you treat them for bed bugs or fleas. Sometimes, it is just less hassle to buy these new and not worry about it.
- Used cookware. Some non-stick coatings can become toxic as they get older. If they get the coating chipped it can similarly begin to leave flakes in the food which can be harmful to the body. You should generally avoid cookware that has scratches or chips on the non-stick surface, or anything that looks really old, even if it looks like it would work well.
Learn which are the top 7 items to resell from thrift stores.
Is it safe to buy shoes from thrift stores?
Most shoes are fine to purchase from a thrift store. The main risk is getting athletes foot or other fungus. The risk of catching such a fungus is about the same though. You can get it when you take a shower at the swimming pool, gym, or from other family members who picked it up.
If you find pairs that are cheaper because they have scuff marks and a brown tint from dirt, they can be easily cleaned. I have included a very helpful video below which explains how to do it with items you have around the home.
This way you can get a real bargain on them, or use the extra discount to resell them. You should take advantage of these when you find them. If you are looking for a good place to resell them this website is an online marketplace where you can list items and sell them. Most online marketplaces charge a fee, we are free to use for up to 3 items. If you are interested in trying it out click this link here to go to the registration page.
It is possible to get lice from thrift stores, though it is very unlikely. You should inspect items before trying them on. Lice make their way into clothes when they fall from someone’s hair onto the garment they are wearing. Clothing stores don’t wash their clothes after a person tries them on. This can allow them to survive and jump onto you, where they will hide and begin biting you.
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