30+ Items to Flip for Cash: A Comprehensive List

If you want to make some extra cash then flipping items can be a good side hustle. In fact, you can earn a full-time income once you develop a penchant for sniffing out good deals. And if you love scouring through yard sales and antique auctions, you’ll definitely have a lot of fun.
But how do you make money flipping? You basically buy items that you know people would love and re-sell them at a higher price. However, there are two things you need to consider before buying: the item must easily re-sell, you must get a good deal from the seller to maximize your profits.
In this article, we’ll share a comprehensive list of items that you can flip for profit. Here are the 30+ easiest items you can flip for cash:
Items to Flip for Cash
1. Book Sets
Single books aren’t very popular, however, book sets turn a larger profit. Consider popular book series like Harry Potter, or vintage collections. You can maximize your profits by buying individual books, either online or on garage sales, and keeping them until you have a complete set before selling. If you have a home library loaded with valuable books, you can actually start with these.
2. Vintage electronics
Lots of people collect vintage electronics making these perfect items to flip for profit. Old VCRs, cassette players, even calculators make for good collectibles. Some old computers are also quite popular among tech enthusiasts. With a little bit of research, you can identify the electronics that will easily sell and can turn a good profit.
The good thing about vintage electronics is that they might seem like junk to some people – who end up selling quite cheaply – but are valuable to others. Find the specific buyers who see the value in these and you’ll make some good money.
3. Antiques
Antiques are a fan favorite among flippers but you need to thoroughly do your homework to make a decent profit. Find out exactly what sells and where to find it at a low price.
Some antiques are more popular than others and it would be a good idea to focus on those you know people are looking for. Also, you’ll need to do some research on the value of your chosen items so that you can re-sell them at a fair price without eating into your profits.
4. Vintage kitchen appliances
There’s always someone looking to buy a vintage kitchen appliance as a collector’s item or even to use. You can find these quite cheaply in auctions or yard sales and sell them on eBay or Amazon for a profit. Just be sure that the item is in good condition to maximize the resale value.
5. Vintage board games
From original Monopoly sets to Yahtzee or even Careers, you can easily flip these vintage board games and make some good cash. Lots of people buy these as collectibles and are willing to pay a premium. Spend time poring through yard sales and you’re very likely to find some old board games in decent condition.
6. Designer shoes
If you have some designer shoes lying around, you can actually flip them, especially if they’re limited editions. Take the time to look for brands that hold their value well and you’re going to easily flip these and make some good cash. If you decide to flip shoes, you’ll need some patience to find the best ones to re-sell.
7. Designer clothes
Just like designer shoes, clothes are a good option for flipping. Find the best brands and you’ll have a valuable item on your hands that will earn you a decent profit. But similar to flipping shoes, spend time looking for those gems that are great for reselling.
8. Bicycles
If you’re willing to do a bit of cleaning and repairing, bikes can be a great item to flip. You can choose to specialize in vintage bikes – these can earn a good profit. If you’re handy with tools, consider buying bikes that need repairing, fix them up, and resell them. These are often sold quite cheaply, thus increasing your profit margin.
9. Baby strollers
Babies quickly outgrow their strollers and so you’ll easily find these for sale. You can get a really good deal on baby strollers and reselling them isn’t hard since there are always parents looking to buy baby items.
Here’s an interesting article we wrote on baby items you should and shouldn’t buy used.
10. Power tools
Brand new power tools can be quite expensive so a lot of people would rather buy them second hand. This means that there’s a good market for your flipped tools.
Similarly, you can easily find people selling wholesale lots of used tools, perhaps people who own workshops or contractors. Buying power-tool sets and selling them individually can make you some good cash.
11.Car parts
Consider flipping vintage car parts as the market, though niche, is quite lucrative. Car enthusiasts are always looking for parts for specific car makes and models. With a bit of research, you can find out the most popular car models. Junkyards can have gems that will easily resell. You’ll need to be a bit of a car fanatic yourself if you intend to flip car parts.
12. Sports jerseys
Vintage sports jerseys sell really well among sports fans. Some of these old jerseys are in high demand as collectors’ items. If you happen to have these tucked away in your basement or you know people who own them, this would be a great place to start. Also, you can find these sports jerseys on yard sales and even online, at a reasonable price.
13. Baseball cards
Hardcore baseball fans have always collected baseball cards, some of which are quite rare and very valuable. These are great items to flip for cash since their profit margin can be very high. You’ll need to know the value of specific cards so take the time to do some research.
14. Wooden furniture
Wooden furniture is easy to find at a very cheap price since a lot of these are disused, lying in people’s garages. There’s always someone looking for a nice wooden piece so flipping them won’t be too hard. And the profit is also attractive.
15. Old rugs
There are collectors of vintage rugs who are willing to pay a premium for a good one. Often, the older the rug, the more money it can fetch. If you’re a regular at yard sales, I’m sure you’ll chance upon some really good vintage rugs that you’ll be able to flip for some good cash.
16. Old video games
Just like any other vintage item, old video games also have a good market. There are people who are always on the hunt for decades-old video games to add to their collection. They will be your biggest customers who will be willing to pay well and make you some money.
17. Old arcade games
Just like video games, vintage arcade games are items sold to a niche group of people. These are either collectors or individuals looking to relive their childhood. Whatever the case, when you find these antiques, you can fetch a good amount of money flipping them.
18. Canvas paintings
It might take you some time to find an old canvas painting as these are often quite rare. However, they fetch a good profit because of their scarcity.
Your market will mainly be collectors – art enthusiasts who are always looking for pieces that are hard to come by. Do your homework: find out where you can find these paintings at a good price. Usually, if you hang around art auctions, you’ll walk away with good paintings that will earn you good money.
19. Gardening equipment
Gardening equipment are often sold cheaply, especially in garage sales. To maximize profits, consider buying ones that need some repair and fix them up. These are usually priced very reasonably, and if you can find someone to fix them (or do it yourself) you’ll end up making some decent money. Also, consider hand tools like shears or rakes, give them a bit of a facelift and flip them.
20. Luxury timepieces
You can resell both vintage and modern luxury timepieces. However, vintage timepieces are best for flipping as you’re likely to find these at a reasonable price. You can then resell them to collectors looking for specific unique pieces.
21. Jewelry
Bracelets, rings, necklaces; you can resell old jewelry and make a good profit. Probably you already have these in your home or know someone with lots of jewelry that they’d be willing to sell. You can also buy some in yard sales, or even online, at a low cost.
22. Sports equipment
If you decide to flip sporting goods, take the time to find ones that are in good condition. A good number will be battered, depending on the nature of the sport. However, sporting equipment in good shape is very likely to resell at a decent price.
A lot of people would prefer to buy these items second hand because the brand new ones aren’t cheap. These people are your target market.
23. Upholstered furniture
Unlike wooden furniture, upholstered furniture will require a bit of cleaning before reselling. Some might need to be reupholstered so prepare to spare some extra cash for this. However, if you do fix them up, you end up raising their resale value and earning yourself higher profits.
24. Photography gear
Photography gear is quite expensive when bought brand new. So, lots of people are looking at used options. This is why these are great items to flip, as long as you buy them cheaply.
Camera lenses, for instance, hold their value quite well and items like tripods also don’t easily depreciate, if well taken care of. If you find the right sellers – perhaps photo studios – you can buy cheap photography gear to flip.
25. Lego sets
These iconic plastic play bricks have been around for decades and have amassed a huge following. If you can find old Lego sets, you can flip them to collectors who are willing to spend a tidy sum. The trick is to make sure all the pieces are intact and they come in the original packaging.
26. Outdoor furniture
Shop around for outdoor furniture in good condition and you’ll have an excellent item to flip for cash. It’s easy to find these sold cheaply and, with a bit of a facelift, you can significantly raise their value.
27. Vintage globes
Another interesting item to flip is a vintage globe. Some of these have a high value and are bound to fetch a tidy sum. Your market will mainly be collectors but you might also sell to people looking for gift items or home decor. If you can find a particularly old globe then you’re likely to sell it at a higher price.
28. Vintage sports merchandise
Sports merchandise like an old baseball or a signed poster, are highly sought after by fans and collectors. And you can end up selling these at a very high price especially if they’re rare. Of course, you’ll need to know where to look for those that fetch a higher price. These will earn you a good profit.
29. Records and record players
Yard sales will often have old records and record players for sale at a cheap price. If you find these, you can flip them as they can sell for hundreds of dollars. There are always people looking for old records of iconic artistes. You can sell on platforms like eBay or, dare I say, our very own Sheepbuy.
30. Vintage eyeglasses
Vintage eyeglasses are collectors’ items and, although the market may be small, can earn you a good profit. People often sell these at throwaway prices because their value is only apparent among the collectors. You can then flip them in online marketplaces for some good cash.
31. Freelance services
Did you know that you don’t need to have a particular skill to sell a service? You can actually flip a service and make decent money in the process. Simply look for clients and then head to sites like Fiverr or Upwork that have lots of freelancers selling their services. You’ll charge the client a higher amount than what the freelancer is asking for, pay the freelancer and deliver the finished work.
32. Digital items
Some digital items that you can flip are websites, eBooks and domain names. The idea is similar to physical products; you buy the digital items at a lower price and resell at a higher price.
For instance, you can buy premium domain names and resell to businesses or individuals. However, the cost required to buy premium websites and domain names is usually quite high, so this isn’t ideal for people who have just started flipping items.
Where to Buy Items to Flip for Cash
To make the most profit, you’ll need to find the best deals. Here are some of the places you can buy items to flip for cash at a reasonable price.
- Yard and garage sales
- Estate sales
- Flea markets
- Thrift stores – Read this great article to help you find items to flip in thrift stores.
- Charity sales
- Auctions
- Your own attic/basement
- Family and friends
- Craigslist
- eBay
- Sheepbuy
- Facebook marketplaces
Moving out sales also have some really good deals since the owners are usually looking to sell their stuff quickly.
Where to Sell Items to Flip for Cash

Finding the right place to sell will determine whether your item will sell faster and at a profit. The best option is online, on popular platforms like:
- eBay
- Craigslist
- Amazon
- Sheepbuy
- Etsy
- Letgo
- Mercari
- Facebook marketplaces
If you decide to sell on Sheepbuy there are no selling commissions. All transactions are safe and secure between buyer and seller via paypal.
If you signup for our basic tier you get to sell up to three items free of charge. Also learn how to sell online with no money here.
We’ve also put together a piece highlighting the pros and cons of online marketplaces versus classified sites so check it out here.
The best way to start flipping is by checking out the valuable items you have at home. You probably have wooden furniture in your garage or an old clock in your attic. Starting with what you have will get you through the door and you can use the money you make from this to buy more stuff to flip.
Also, ask your family and friends whether they have items they’d be willing to sell and find good buyers for them. You really don’t need a lot of money (if any) to get started. Once you’ve mastered the flipping art, you’ll know which items sell best and which ones fetch the highest profits.
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