10+ Easiest Items You Can Flip For Cash

If you are looking for easy items to flip and quickly make some extra cash, then look no further. This article will explore places to discover them cheaply. It will also guide you on which sites you can trade in for that quick buck.
You can begin as a hobby and later turn it into a side business. Success will follow if you are patient, creative, and have a keen eye to detail. Approach this with a business mind and ensure you offer value to your customers while getting acceptable profit margins. There are opportunities for growth as soon as you start and continue understanding flipping as a business.
Keep reading to find out more about the easiest items you can flip for cash. And when you’re done, check out this article which has a list of 50 items you can sell online from home.
Now let’s take a look at the 10+ easiest items you can flip for cash:
1. Designer clothes and shoes
Clothes and shoes with designer labels such as Gucci, Chanel, Nine West, and Michael Kors are prestigious to own and wear. They are pricey and so those who love them do not mind purchasing them second hand.
You can get them cheaply in yard sales, from bulk sellers, and discount stores. With a few improvements on the clothes, such as fixing buttons and zips, and removing spots, they will look as good as new. All types of designer shoes are re-sellable as long as they are in good condition. They are popular with office workers and fashion-conscious individuals who cannot afford new ones.
2. Furniture
Standard furniture of all kinds can bring you cash. It can be sofa sets, dining sets, coffee tables, beds, office chairs, or desks. They are easy to flip since they are simple to repair. Some of the adjustments are reupholstering, refurbishing, sanding, and applying stain, paint, or sealer.
Once you give them a second life and they look as good as new, you will not lack people to buy them. They include those starting out in life, such as newly-weds, fresh graduates, or visitors who want to settle in that area.
You can purchase these items in sales that include estate, yard, garage, or rummage; and at consignment shops, liquidation stores, and thrift stores.
3. Yard equipment
All tools used for the maintenance of yards or lawns fall in this category. They include lawnmowers, hoes, wheelbarrows, spades, metal rakes, and leaf blowers.
These are easy to clean, especially if you have a grinder that can remove rust. Some may require minor repairs such as replacing wheels or welding.
You can effortlessly sell these, as people do not always want to spend a lot of money if they can get cheaper alternatives. Yard owners are the target buyers, as they need them for their lawns. Procure them at auctions, liquidation stores, church sales, garage sales, dime stores, and junkyards.
4. Vintage electronics
Vintage items are older than 20 years and the valued ones have great quality. These electronics include VCRs, CD players, video game units, TV/VCR combos, cassette decks, and walkmans. The rest include DVD and music systems, iPods, and stereos that people look for even though they have alternatives like iPhones and smart TVs. They may be obsolete but some types and brands are on demand.
Purchase them at various sales such as a garage, rummage sales, church, or estate, eBay, swap meet, and thrift stores. You may also get them free at curb alerts where someone puts out all their stuff on the curb and the first one to arrive takes as much as they want. Confirm that they are functional and well dusted.
People who would like to relive their growing years would be most interested in buying them. Others prefer them because they believe they are of superior quality than those currently available.
5. Power tools
Examples of power tools are chainsaws, power screwdrivers, generators, weed whackers, and table saws. They are attractive items to flip especially if you clean and grease them well.
Make sure that they are in good working condition before buying them.
You can find these items in yard sales or from people who are moving out of town. They are also available in buy-and-sell websites like eBay, in junkyards, auctions, on Craigslist, and rummage sales.
Homeowners or small business people who may have limited budgets are the likely targets for these tools. Contractors are also potential customers because of the nature of their jobs.
6. Antiques
Many items fall under this category as long as they are of high value, aged and rare. Examples include silverware, Pokémon cards, canning jars, perfume bottles; equestrian paintings, and Persian rugs. Seek enough information regarding antiques before flipping them.
This knowledge can turn you into a rich person, particularly if you buy them cheap and get an interested person who would not mind paying your asking price. They are available in thrift stores, rummage sales, auctions, and flea markets. Potential buyers are antique collectors who like to use them for decorating their homes or for sentimental purposes.
7. Bicycles
Bicycles, especially the retro types of the 70s and 80s, name labels, and vintage ones are favorable for flipping. They are valuable because of the brand or manufacturer, condition, type, original features, frame, age, rarity, and historical importance. You need to clean, repair, and apply a fresh coat of paint where necessary.
If parts are broken or missing, consider replacing them. The ideal places to obtain them include Craigslist, thrift stores, junkyard, Facebook Marketplace, auctions, and junkyard. Bikes are in demand for most individuals who like cycling to beat traffic or for fun.
8. Used appliances
Used appliances include can openers, coffee makers, toasters, radios, blenders, stoves, CD players, and sandwich makers, among others. They require a huge budget to buy new ones. That is why most people will settle for the used ones.
Those who might be interested in these are students who live on campus, those who have just gotten their own place and anyone looking for a bargain.
Ensure you buy only those that are functional then spend some time cleaning them. You can buy them cheaply in junkyards, auctions, garage sales, yard sales, thrift stores, or even Craigslist. You’ll then sell them on eBay, Facebook marketplaces or even our very own Sheepbuy.
9. Photography gear
Accessories used for photography can be flipped fast. They include cameras, lenses, and reflectors. The best gear to buy that will sell quickly would be those that have their original boxes. Remember to clean and dust every item that is part of the gear.
Older SLR camera lenses are valuable since they work well with modern cameras but don’t cost as much.
Amateur and professional photographers would be interested in owning them regardless of the fee charged. Places to find them cheaply include church sales, estate sales, retail stores, and flea markets.
10. Collectible toys
You can dispose of these treasured playthings faster because they are still desirable. They include Legos, those depicting characters in favored movies such as Star Wars, Funko pop personas, and American dolls. If they are not in their original packaging, clean them before selling.
Make sure to take your time to go through the toys carefully in order not to miss the collectibles. Parents are always buying toys for their children and not all of them can afford new ones. However, your biggest customers would probably be collectors looking for old and rare toy collections.
You can find such toys in yard sales, estate sales, and flea markets. You can also get them free from curb alerts, if you arrive before everyone else.
11. Freelance services
This involves finding client work and looking for freelancers to do it. You can find freelancers on sites such as Upwork, LinkedIn, Freelancer, People per hour, and Fiverr. They will do it for a fraction of what the client is offering and you pocket the difference.
Clients requiring services such as graphic design, content writing, website development, etc, are numerous. You can start by asking friends and family whether they need these services. Also, visit local businesses to market your services.
You can also check job boards such as Problogger and Indeed to find advertised freelance jobs.
12. Video games and consoles
You cannot go wrong with video games and consoles, especially the vintage ones. They are collectible products that will draw in good money, as long as you know the most sought after. Examples of on-demand games and consoles include NES, Nintendo, SNES, and Atari.
Confirm that they are in good working condition before buying. If you loved video games in your childhood, you’ll understand which games were valuable. If not then a bit of research will yield information on this.
They are of value to gaming enthusiasts, both teenagers and adults. Some people look for them as gifts for their loved ones. The best places to buy video games and consoles, is in thrift stores, estate sales, flea markets, and yard sales. You can also check eBay.
13. Book sets
Identify book series or buy individual ones and keep them until they are a full set. For instance Danielle Steele novels and Harry Potter are some popular ones. Sell them as a set instead of individually for maximum profit.
Bear in mind that first edition books by famous authors are also highly sought after. You can get them in thrift shops, yard sales, rummage sales, clearance sales in department stores, church sales, or library and university book sales.
Book lovers and students are the main targets for such books. They would be willing to sacrifice a lot to have them. You can also sell to bookstores. Read this articles to find out how much bookstores would pay for your books. And here are some tips on selling books for profit.
Click here, to learn how you can sell online with no money.
Where Can I Sell?
You can flip these items in places such as auctions. You can also sell others online in sites such as Craigslist, eBay, Poshmark for clothes, Mercari, and Facebook Marketplace.
Other online places include Offer Up, Amazon, Etsy, Letgo, Geebo, Grid50 (for photograph gear), TheRealReal (for clothing), Classic Rendezvous (for bikes), and BookScouter (for books).
Sheepbuy is also a great place to list your items when starting out. We’ll charge no commission whatsoever and you can post up to three items free of charge on our basic tier. Find out more here.
Flipping items for profit is a good side hustle that can generate a tidy sum. As long as you know what items to flip and where to get them cheap, you are good to go. Do not buy an item you know little about in terms of resale value.
Do your homework by researching so that you make good profits. As you get used to flipping, you can consider turning it into a full-time business. Remember to work hard and smart, and to give it the seriousness it deserves. Avoid aftersale matters by explaining to the buyer the true state of the item you are selling.
Still looking for ways to make money from home. This article has 100 legitimate ways of making money.
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